
Always up to date on the weather forecast


Weather conditions are often volatile like the mood of a great artist. Do not let yourself be caught unawares and stay up to date on the weather in South Tyrol to better organize your marellous days outdoors.

General weather conditions
from -1° to 8°
Sun and clouds

The maximum temperatures are between 4° and 9°.
Sunny spells will alternate with passing cloud fields. In the night it will start to rain in the central parts, level of snowfall between 1500 and 1800 m.

Once again, weak high pressure will ensure stable conditions before the weather changes from Sunday.

Development - Intermittent precipitation

On Sunday, the precipitation will spread across the whole region, snow line between 1000 and 1500 m. In the afternoon, the precipitation will decrease from the west. It will remain very cloudy on Monday. At first there will be some rain in the south, but by the evening the precipitation will become more frequent. On Tuesday, it will rain and snow repeatedly, with a focus in the morning, with the snow line dropping towards 800-1200 m. Wednesday quite sunny weather, morning low stratus clouds will clear.

Forecasts for the coming days
26.01.2025Dull, sleet
Day from 3° to 8° Night from -3° to 2°
27.01.2025Dull, slightly rain
Day from 4° to 7° Night from -2° to 2°
28.01.2025Dull, sleet
Day from 2° to 7° Night from -2° to 2°
Day from 2° to 8° Night from -6° to 0°
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